
Friday May 04, 2018
Shenanigans Episode 27: Yes Uranus Smells Like Farts -- It's a Gas Giant
Friday May 04, 2018
Friday May 04, 2018
This week's episode is missing Howie, and we make sure to let him know. We want to ask him what makes cookies kosher. We have Walden join us for his first show. Rich has an idea how it works. Rich also let us know that the Simpsons became the longest running scripted television show, and George summed up all the episodes in two sentences. Scientists have proven what we've always known--Uranus smells like farts. Seems like that was something they didn't really need to study. Closer to home, Howe Cavens are hosting a naked spelunking tour. The flatearthers are defying gravity, saying that gravity doesn't exist. Instead, they claim the earth is moving upwards, which keeps us stuck to the ground. Oh...those poor people in Australia.
Cast: Craig, George, Rich, Charlie, Walden
Running Time: Approximately 87 minutes

Friday Apr 27, 2018
Shenanigans Episode 26: It Ain't the End of the World. It's the Crapture!
Friday Apr 27, 2018
Friday Apr 27, 2018
If you're listening to this after April 23rd, you missed the End of the World...again. Never fear, the Biblical prognosticators were wrong. But as Rich says, they only need to be right once. Just not this time. Christian metal band, Stryper, is in the news because Walmart won't sell their latest album. Craig said a missing comma would solve all their woes. Almost every kid swears, even accidentally. Craig and Howie tell us of a couple of instances where the kids dropped F-bombs. It's hard not to laugh when it happens. I know you've been there. Howie tells us the correct way to poop, and annoying the telemarketing scammers is the greatest thing since sliced ketchup.
Cast: Craig, Rich, and Howie
Approximate running time: 120 minutes

Thursday Apr 19, 2018
Shenanigans Episode 25: Attack of the Vibrating Pigeon Drones
Thursday Apr 19, 2018
Thursday Apr 19, 2018
This week, I wasn't sure how the show went. After I listened to it again, it was prett darn funny, even if the end of the world is scheduled to start around the time we record Episode 26. At least that is the revised date from the revised date from the revised date. And which version of the Bible are they using to determine the end of the world? Is it the Bibizzle? We can only hope. Police in Argentina claim that mice ate 1,200 pounds of seized marijuana........sure....In our Public Service Announcement of the Week, we implore you adults to be more careful when playing with your toys. What exactly is the average airspeed velocity of a full bag of cocaine? Squirrels need our love, too, and we learn that pepperoni and seagulls don't mix.
Cast: Craig, Rich, David
Running Time: 84 minutes

Friday Apr 13, 2018
Shenanigans Episode 24: Time Traveling With Sexy Gronk
Friday Apr 13, 2018
Friday Apr 13, 2018
This week, the biys start off with a little seriousness as they talk a little about the Humboldt tragedy. But, they quickly move on to the rapid influx of time travelers in the news lately, and they debate whether time travel is even possible. Rich is a nonbeliever in time travel, while Howie and Craig do believe. A man caught having an affair tries to pass off the woman he's cheating with as a sex robot, and she plays along! And for the Amazon Product of the Day, Gronk erotica. No, you read that right. Someone wrote Gronk erotica. The reviews are hilarious, maybe even funnier than the idea that someone wrote Gronk erotica.
Cast: Craig, Rich, and Howie
Running Time: 93 minutes

Thursday Apr 05, 2018
Shenanigans Episode 23: Leading the Fist Bump Revolution
Thursday Apr 05, 2018
Thursday Apr 05, 2018
This week, Craig and Howie talk about Ready Player One. Don't worry - there are no spoilers. Gronk makes yet another surprise visit, this time dressed as the Trojan Horse. Have you heard about the THC lube? It will get things higher. Meanwhile, Brett demonstrates what an electric NASCAR race would sound like. Just in case you weren't entirely certain, the French are rude and will even sue to prove it. Matt has decided that he can no longer shake anyone's hand. Instead, he will be leading the Fist Bump Revolution. New Zealand is still looking for those elusive Russian spies so they can deport them. Either those spies are really good at their jobs, or the Russians couldn't care less about the Kiwis.
Cast: Craig, Howie, Charlie, Brett, and Matt
Approximate Running Time: 82 minutes

Thursday Mar 29, 2018
Shenanigans Episode 22: We've Got Some Potholes For Sale...Cheap!
Thursday Mar 29, 2018
Thursday Mar 29, 2018
This week's episode is all over the place. We go from deer semen being used to fund Texas political campaigns to a Nigerian Email Prince having his penis stolen during a robbery. Our Flat Earther friend, Mike Hughes, finally blasted off, achieving the wild altitude of 1875 feet. He was only 328,000 feet short of his goal, but he considered it a success. What if we could vaporize our poop like they do on the Starship Enterprise? No matter how old you are, farts are funny. Some guy convinced a woman that he had been poisoned and needed to have sex with her in order to save himself from certain death...and she initially agreed. No really. She did. A guy in Chicago is a marketing genius. He's selling ownership shares in potholes around the Windy City. Gronkie Monster is once again an unnannounced guest for this episode.
Cast: Craig, Rich, Charlie
Running Time: Approximately 97 minutes

Thursday Mar 22, 2018
Shenanigans Episode 21: That Silent But Deadly Brainfart
Thursday Mar 22, 2018
Thursday Mar 22, 2018
Can you believe it?! Shenanigans is old enough to drink! Twenty-one episodes. We talk about where he hid our dad's dirty magazines when we were kids. We've all been waiting for it for 20 years, but we're finally going to enjoy a Nic Cage version of Superman. It's going to be epic. There's also a tutorial on hw to poop when you're on vacation, and Homer Simpson got pulled over for DUI in England. Gronkie Monster makes a comeback with a new PSA about not crunching ice cubes, or eating frozen Tide Pods. There's a guy who has a big airbubble in his brain...and it's NOT Gronk. Rich gives us a spectacular website of the week: https://www.merriam-webster.com/time-traveler/2016 This website gives us the etymology of words. It is an intriguing look into the history of the words we use everyday.
Cast: Craig, Rich, Howie, Charlie, and Brett
Running Time: 107 Minutes

Thursday Mar 15, 2018
Shenanigans Episode 20: I'll Bet You $20 That Rhode Island Won't Approve Of This
Thursday Mar 15, 2018
Thursday Mar 15, 2018
This week, Howie's daughter tells Craig he's full of shit. For real. Who remembers the Thundercats? We can't believe it's over 30 years old. Rhode Island now wants to block websites in your own home unless you pay them $20 for the privilege. If you live anywhere on the Planet Earth, watch out for falling, Chinese space stations. Apparently they're not as space-worthy as advertised on Amazon. If you're not yet prepared for the Apocalypse, Costco can help. And if you're an extreme couponer like Rich, you can save even more money that you won't be able to use after the world ends. Why do we wear pants, and should we ever wear courdoroy?? Some conspriacy theories about our favorite movies comes up. Are Danny and Sandy actually dead, and the Grease movie is the dying vision of a teenager? Yabba-dabba, friend.
Cast: Craig, Rich, Howie, Charlie's Ghost of Christmas Future
Running Time: Approximately 99 minutes.

Thursday Mar 08, 2018
Shenanigans Episode 19: Is This a Family Reunion or a Speed Dating Site?
Thursday Mar 08, 2018
Thursday Mar 08, 2018
The boys are back. We talk about the world's largest family tree. It has 13 million people and tells us when cousins stopped having sex with each other. Mailmen in Florida don't want to deliver packages to a nudist colony, mostly because of the packages. Rich and Howie go off the Shenanigans rail by talking about serious things. Fortunately, we get back to the normal programming. Why is breastfeeding so taboo, but we have no issue with low-cut shirts? Have we had enough of crazy people on airplanes? When is it okay to strip on a flight? Can I bring my emotional support beer(s)? All Howie can say is that Chinese condoms make him feel better about himself. Also, if you're diving in Minnesota lakes, watch out for Jason Voorhees.
Cast: Rich, Howie, Craig
Running Time: Approximately 110 minutes

Friday Mar 02, 2018
Shenanigans Episode 18: I Am the Great Cornholio
Friday Mar 02, 2018
Friday Mar 02, 2018
This week marks the triumphant return of George to the cast! After discussing the driving situation in the area, we move right into the fun moments. Have you ever heard of the game "Cornhole?" We wondered who came up with that name, and it became the running theme throughout the show. China is trying to stop strippers from performing at funerals, and the man with the largest manhood in the world is looking for a new job opportunity. And we're now trying to find out who the man in charge of exorcisms for the Buffalo diocese is. If anyone knows, let us know.
Cast: Craig, George, Rich, Howie, and Charlie
Running time: Approximately 97 minutes