
Sunday Jul 22, 2018
Shenanigans Episode 37: Finally, Here's That Missing 18 Minutes
Sunday Jul 22, 2018
Sunday Jul 22, 2018
The lateness of this episode is all Craig's fault. He forgot. He couldn't find. He made some empt promises to Rich. But after searching, he's found this week's episode. We start off with Craig explaining to us how he entertained himself at the doctor's office while waiting for an MRI. Howie tries to tell us the difference between a "Schlemiel" and a "Schlimazel." Now that stores are no longer accepting moist boob money, where can you keep your cash when you're wearing those fashionable Speedos? A man stole a firetruck from an active fire scene and took his girlfriend for a 100-mile joy ride. We also ask Howie more questions about Judaism, which of course, he cannot answer.
Cast: Craig, Rich, Howie, Walden
Running Time: 100 Minutes

Thursday Jul 12, 2018
Shenanigans Episode 36: That's Some Interesting Beer, Rocketman
Thursday Jul 12, 2018
Thursday Jul 12, 2018
We wished Howie a happy birthday, and there was some surprise that he still isn't 40. What are the marijuana laws in Indiana? Packages full of pot are showing up on stranger's doorsteps and the Church of Cannabis is not allowed to use it in their sacraments. If you're driving in Florida, make sure that there is no one riding on the hood when you take off on I-95. Cell phone users!!! Please stop recording events with your phone. Use the phone to call for help, and we beg you, do not block our view of the concert while you film. There's a brewer making some beer with some very interesting ingredients. They should get together with some beer brewers in Newfoundland. The boys investigated whether something massive smashed into Uranus. The Donald arrives and gives us his rendition of "Rocketman" by Elton John. It's so worth the wait.
Cast: Craig, Howie, Rich, Walden
Running Time: 95 minutes

Friday Jul 06, 2018
Shenanigans Episode 35: This Mystery Meat Won't Ring Your Taco Bell
Friday Jul 06, 2018
Friday Jul 06, 2018
Oh, boy. This week we really put our foot in our mouths. Literally. Or figuratively...or...damn you Merriam-Webster!! Our free advice for the week is "If your friend offers you a mystery meat taco, just politely decline." As Supreme Emperor, Kim Jong Un brings a golden throne with him wherever he goes so he can save his poop. What happens when you trip, fall, and get your head stuck in a tailpipe? It gives a whole new meaning to "She Thinks My Truck is Sexy." Rich made some noise that made Walden and Craig jump and wonder what they broke. We guess he was excited over the Sexiest Cow Contest in Britain. He wonders how he missed it a few months ago when he was there. Maybe it's time for another European vacation?
Cast: Craig, Rich, and Walden
Running Time: 70 minutes

Thursday Jun 28, 2018
Shenanigans Episode 34: Oh, Canada! Let's Talk Aboot Pot, Eh?
Thursday Jun 28, 2018
Thursday Jun 28, 2018
Canada just announced that they will be legalizing recreational pot. Rich thinks that we will be next, because, really, can we let Canada win? Craig disagrees, saying that we will have a very important export to the Great White North that will erase any trade deficit. At what point in your adulthood do you NOT drop your pants all the way to your ankles when using a urinal??? For some reason, there is a group of archaeologists who are trying to dig up the original site of Woodstock. So far, it's a lot of pull tabs from beer cans and unused prophylactics. Whispering into microphones is seen as sexually stimulating in China, which is why Beijing rescinded their invitation to Rich.
Cast: Craig, Rich, Walden
Running Time: 63 minutes

Friday Jun 22, 2018
Shenanigans Episode 33: It's Like Deja-Vu All Over Again
Friday Jun 22, 2018
Friday Jun 22, 2018
This week hilarity ensues right from the start when Craig does his intro...and then forgets to intorduce the gang. Rich ad libs it for us. Then it's on to a very special church message from a congregation in Surfer's Paradise. Beware of eating undercooked seafood; you may be in for a big surprise. Astronauts must pee on the bus wheels on their way to the launch pad. Apparently it helps them go 'round and 'round. We debate whether some modern art is actually pretty crappy. And the hottest grandmother is 36!?!?!?!
Cast: Craig, Rich, Walden, and Howie
Running Time: 67 minutes

Friday Jun 15, 2018
Shenanigans Episode 32: 101 New Ways to Prepare Eggplant
Friday Jun 15, 2018
Friday Jun 15, 2018
We start off with some Father's Day wishes and the general disdain for the word "haberdashery." Scientists believe that people have a second brain in your butt, and it actually may be your first brain. We agree that explains a lot of people we all know. Some guy in China, trying to jumpstart that second brain, has a very interesting way to stimulate it. If you wrote your own obituary, what would you put into it? We enjoy the Stanley Cup celebrations by Ovechkin and some fans in the stands. There's another poop-flinging incident this time in a road rage incident. The Website of the Week is an amazing site. You'll have to check it out.
Cast: Craig, Rich, Howie, Walden
Running Time: 63 minutes

Friday Jun 08, 2018
Shenanigans Episode 31: Something Fishy This Way Comes
Friday Jun 08, 2018
Friday Jun 08, 2018
Charlie really made it to the show this week, but leaves less than three minutes into the recording. Why? So he can pick up Bret. For some reason he left his phone behind which Rich immediately tries to break into...to no avail. We just learned that Howie got lost on the Oregon Trail in Medina, and it's a good thing he didn't go to Australia instead. He would cease to exist! The team questions what makes Jesus too Catholic for Baptists in South Carolina. A Brazilian woman is given a new body part by melding with a fish. This one is probably NSFW.
Cast: Craig, Rich, Charlie, and Bret
Running Time: 85 Minutes.

Friday Jun 01, 2018
Shenanigans Episode 30: We Pull Out All The Stops
Friday Jun 01, 2018
Friday Jun 01, 2018
We start off this week's Shenanigans a little off the plan of attack. Have you ever gone to a big box store and messed with the associates? We have, and it was fun. Las Vegas was set to break the record for a big event, but the hosting hotel pulled out. It's another week and another baking conspiracy. When we were seniors in high school, we played pranks at the end of the school year. Thankfully, we didn't have the internet when we were playing those pranks. Or the internet at all when we were younger. It would have been a lot of trouble.
Cast: Craig, Rich, Walden, and Special Guest "Rita"
Running Time: 92 Minutes

Friday May 25, 2018
Shenanigans Episode 29: Those Aren't Pennies From Heaven
Friday May 25, 2018
Friday May 25, 2018
Most of our technical difficulties have passed. There are some tiny hiccups at the very beginning, but it all works out wonderfully. This week, we talk about weird neck tattoos and Play-Doh perfume. This is an official warning to not eat Rich's cupcakes. There are new, magic diapers that will text you when your baby soils them. There is a nudist colony gone awry in Australia. The Gap has recognized the independence of Taiwan and Southern Tibet from China with their new t-shirts. Rich and Walden each have very odd places to keep their spare change.
Cast: Craig, Rich, Walden
Running Time: Approximately 102 minutes

Friday May 11, 2018
Shenanigans Episode 28: The Saga of the Broken Crankshaft
Friday May 11, 2018
Friday May 11, 2018
Do your kids make adorable drawings, but they're just filling up all sides of your fridge Why not get them tattooed permanently on your body? Speaking of your kids, do they get an allowance, and how much do they get a month? A girl in Beverly Hills says her monthly allowance of $1000 makes her feel like a peasant. Apparently, when you indulge your children like that, they grow up to be 37 year old "adults" who destroy cars because they remind him of what him of bullies from two decades prior. Finally, something great from the world of science. We will soon be able to shoot lasers from our eyes. Frickin' lasers!! Flat earthers are at it again with new hypotheses. Then Rich finds the greatest article ever, and we are grateful he was slightly bored for this episode. Wait until you hear it.
Cast: Craig, Rich, Walden
Running Time: Approximately 120 minutes