
Saturday Sep 29, 2018
Shenanigans Episode 47: Rich Will Love Sports. Rich Will Love Sports
Saturday Sep 29, 2018
Saturday Sep 29, 2018
Well, much to Rich's chagrin, we talk a lot of sports. Of course, Howie is blind to anything not Syracuse, and we're all upset with the NFL's roughing the passer calls. A school in China has a very special way of welcoming back students and their parents. Vinnie thinks he's ready to go back to school. Did I say we talk a lot about sports? Also, a Canadian entrepreneur has decided he wants to expand his buisness into the United States, because, except for Alabama, there are no regulations to hinder his business.
Cast: Craig, Howie, Rich, Vinnie, Walden
Running time: 98 Minutes

Saturday Sep 22, 2018
Shenanigans Episode 46: The Best Use of Three, 1 Cent Stamps Ever
Saturday Sep 22, 2018
Saturday Sep 22, 2018
Guess what?!? George is back! So is Charlie, although to be fair, he was actually here every week. We just didn't turn on his mic. There's a new newspaper in Missouri that will begin publication in October called The Uranus Examiner. Shenanigans may get a subscription. As if Segways weren't already cool enough, now they have a new option available: You get get guns on your Segway. Think of the talent you'll need to not knock yourself over with the recoil. The group is infatuated with terrible Italian accents this week. And a man in New Zealand get his ass kicked by monkeys after he tried to spank one.
Cast: Craig, George, Rich, Charlie, Walden, Vinnie
Running Time: 88 Minutes

Monday Sep 17, 2018
Shenanigans Episode 45: Putin Pockets and Laser Ladies
Monday Sep 17, 2018
Monday Sep 17, 2018
Where do I start with this episode? First off, if you're at work, you'd better put on the headphones. This one goes off the rails pretty quickly. We learn that Gwyneth Paltrow's Goop is being sued because her quack remedies are simply just that. Sciencist are trying to figure out how often we should be pooping for our best health. Walden does the math for us. Apparently some women are concerned that their lady parts aren't pretty enough. In steps a woman who will prepare a plaster cast of them for you. These casts can be the artistic centerpiece for your next holiday gathering. A family in Connecticut has learned that you should never, ever use dynamite as a candle during a power outtage. For some reason Craig tried to shut the show down early before Rich had a chance to talk. So what does he want to discuss? How many communion wafers would it take to eat an entire Jesus. Some things are better left unsaid...
Cast: Craig, Rich, Walden, Vinnie
Running Time: 88 Minutes

Friday Sep 07, 2018
Shenanigans Episode 44: Survival of the Laziest
Friday Sep 07, 2018
Friday Sep 07, 2018
We learned this week we learned that the Shenanigans crew is practically immortal. Being lazy may help ensure survivabilty. That's great to know. Yes, Virginia, that IS a real unicorn. Just ignore that horn. In the big story of the week, we talk about the bride that went off the deep end when her invited guests opted not to pay a fee to attend the ceremony. We read the whole diatribe from Facebook. Howie also gives us the govnermental definition of a sex toy. Who knew we needed such a detailed explanation? We've learned that a teacher from Michigan is being probed about her appearance on an adult website.
Cast: Craig, Howie, Rich, Walden, Vinnie
Running Time: 76 minutes

Friday Aug 31, 2018
Shenanigans Episode 43: The Ghost of Vinnie Bobarino
Friday Aug 31, 2018
Friday Aug 31, 2018
I have no idea what happened to Vinnie's microphone, but he's next to impossible to hear. On the plus side, he doesn't talk too much this episode. This week, Howie brought us Banana Girl who insists she's living the dream by not showering, not shaving, not wearing clothes, and not eating anything other than...bananas. The debate between boxers and briefs rages on, although I think we can all agree that air conditioned underwear may be the wave of the future. If you're having trouble getting pregnant, maybe you're doing it wrong. Don't follow the example of a Chinese couple who had been doing it incorrectly for four years. Meanwhile, France is experimenting with public, outdoor urinals that will later be used for compost. Speaking of compost, apparently baby poop has highly beneficial health aspects that scientists think we could mine it for probiotics.
Cast: Craig, Howie, Rich, Walden, and Ghostly Vinnie Bobarino
Running Time: 62 minutes

Saturday Aug 25, 2018
Shenanigans Episode 42: The Great Foof Fiasco
Saturday Aug 25, 2018
Saturday Aug 25, 2018
Where do we start with this one? We had an outline, we assure you of that. However, we never really got into that groove. This one is a bit top heavy with all the funny stuff happening in bunches. If you trim your bush into the shape of a woman, should you expect drunken revelers to have their ways with it? And Gwyneth Paltrow? What can we say about her? Apparently a lot. Most of it is not good----and none of it is safe for work. Do you remember some old commercials from when you were a kid? We rattle off a few. The kids today have no idea with Netflix, Hulu, etc, what commercials even are. And what's going on at Area 51? I guess we'll just have to ask George.
Cast: Craig, Howie, Rich, Walden, Vinnie
Running Time: 80 Minutes

Saturday Aug 18, 2018
Shenanigans Episode 41: It Begs the Question
Saturday Aug 18, 2018
Saturday Aug 18, 2018
Howie accidentally stumbled upon one of Rich's pet peeves, and then proceeds to stun Rich with all his obscure pop culture references. Who knew there were so many drunken characters in Disney movies? Apparently only Howie. We discovered that there is an Amish Uber driver. Do we have to use smoke signals or semifore to book our ride? Have we had enough of sex robots yet? The consensus is no. Heck, now you can even finance one like a car. The poor mailman...
Cast: Craig, Howie, Rich, Walden, and Vinnie
Running Time: 77 Minutes

Friday Aug 10, 2018
Shenanigans Episode 40: Let's Just Blame the New Guy
Friday Aug 10, 2018
Friday Aug 10, 2018
We had a new partner with us for this week, and all hell broke loose -- mostly in post-production -- so we thought we'd blame him for the problems even though he had almost nothing to do with it. The sound levels are all over the place with this one, and we going very, very long. It sounds great in the headphones, though. New blood means new viewpoints, and we go some interesting ones. From the get-go, Craig leads off with a misheard lyric from a Canadian commerical. "Get it at the Ex" was not at all what he heard. There's a bit more of a focus on military stuff, as Vinnie Bobarino was former Army. Have you ever wanted to see "A Christmas Story" recreated in all its buttery goodness? Ohio brought that idea to fruition. Rich and Walden have decided they will fight for the free samples at the grocery store and steal the electric carts. The debate over whether "Die Hard" is a Christmas movie continues, and now they compare that movie with "Home Alone." Are those zebras of just happy donkeys in the Cairo Zoo? The guy from Dallas agrees that it was "No Goal" in 1999. We thought we should point that out.
Cast: Craig, Howie, Rich, Walden, Vinnie Bobarino
Running Time: 150 minutes

Saturday Aug 04, 2018
Shenanigans Episode 39: Howie Only Saw the Bits and Pieces
Saturday Aug 04, 2018
Saturday Aug 04, 2018
We had the best of intentions this week of following our carefully selected articles. We barely even looked at them. Instead we talked about everyday things, like nicknames and Howie's favorite Underoos. We also talk about Howie's sister-in-law on American Ninja Warrior, as Howie starts to give us play by play. We didn't do a good job with it, but Rachel was very sucessful. We finally got Howie to stop talking. All it took was Gronk. For the rest of the episode, we were all over the place. I guess we need Walden back to keep us in line.
Cast: Craig, Howie, and Rich
Running Time: 113 minutes.

Friday Jul 27, 2018
Shenanigans Episode 38: Where The Ninjas At?
Friday Jul 27, 2018
Friday Jul 27, 2018
This week starts Gronk Watch. That's right, we're back on the Gronk craze. We want him to be our guest for our 69th episode sometime at the end of February or beginning of March. Londoners, in a effort to showcase an artistic rendering of what it means to be a Briton, have erected a supersized statue of Jewish-American icon, Jeff Goldblum. There's a lot of movie trivia going around the table, including a debate whether "Die Hard" is a Christmas movie or not. Speaking of Christmas, George apparently is hiding his Christmas Pickle at Picklesburg in Pittsburgh. Beer goggles are real according to scientists, but please make sure wildlife near a Belgium nudist beach don't get a pair of them. Officials believe that the wildlife may get spook by nudists at a nearby beach. Their solution? Add barbed wire. Ouch. Attention ninjas!!! Japan has a shortage of ninjas. Now's your chance!!!
Cast: Craig, Howie, Rich, and Walden
Running Time: 107 Minutes