
Friday Aug 09, 2019
Shenanigans Episode 93:Chocolate Cottage Cheese & Genny Cream Ale
Friday Aug 09, 2019
Friday Aug 09, 2019
We're down to a trio again this week as Vinnie bails on us. But don't worry, we broadcast from outside his windows. We are definitely interested in sweaty shirts that will smell better than simply sweat. Maybe grilled steak? Is Walden pregnant or is he a basketball player. Guy Fieri wants to be in the Little Mermaid movie because he is a real crustacean. Are they really making hot dog ice cream? If that's the case, we want a Shenanigans themed ice cream. Of course, this episode is totally NSFW.
Cast: Craig, Rich, Walden
Running Time: 82 minutes

Thursday Aug 08, 2019
The Dads Must Be Crazy Ep.12: When the Wives Are Away
Thursday Aug 08, 2019
Thursday Aug 08, 2019
We're a day late this week after some technical difficulties at the Watercooler Studios. But we do have another episode. Craig's and Bobby's wives are away for the week, and so far it's been an adventure. It's official: our wives are superheroes. And so is Howie. So, how are we doing while we're holding down the fort and being overrun by children. Take a listen and you'll find out. And you'll hear a lot of background chatter as the kids end up playing behind us while we record.
Cast: Craig, Howie, Bobby
Running Time: 51 Minutes
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Thanks to Scott Leffler for the intro.
Intro and outro music provided by incompetech.com Our theme music is “Retro Future Clean” by Kevin MacLeod. Licensed under Creative Commons: by Attribution 3.0 license

Friday Aug 02, 2019
Shenanigans Episode 92: Cooling Off With a Rocket Pop
Friday Aug 02, 2019
Friday Aug 02, 2019
We learned this week that Vinnie's newest favorite beer has won awards, and we were unaware there was a Razzies for Beer. Beware of clown brawls during your cruise this fall, and why are they trying to move Halloween? Vinnie gives us more insight on life in the military, and asks for a tank tracked Segway. We learn about the Birds and the Bees, and we want...no, demand... a Pigs in Space Movie. Of course the disaster that is an Area 51 raid is still in the news as well as that equally disastrous Woodstock50 festival. NSFW
Cast: Craig, Rich, Walden, Vinnie
Running Time: 89 minutes

Wednesday Jul 31, 2019
The Dads Must Be Crazy Ep. 11: Playdates and Guy Trips
Wednesday Jul 31, 2019
Wednesday Jul 31, 2019
We are on location this week from Howie's super secret lair. Think of it as possibly a playdate, because that was the subject this week after Craig extolled the virtues of reading rather than watching television and movies. We talked about our dislike of the word "playdate" and then talked about what our childhoods were like when it came to playing with friends. Of course, we strayed from the topic and went off in other directions. In the end, we decided that we should take a guys trip. We're looking for suggestions. You can send them to niagaraswatercooler@gmail.com.
Cast: Craig, Bobby, Howie
Running Time: 76 Minutes
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Thanks to Scott Leffler for the intro.
Intro and outro music provided by incompetech.com Our theme music is “Retro Future Clean” by Kevin MacLeod. Licensed under Creative Commons: by Attribution 3.0 license

Friday Jul 26, 2019
Shenanigans Episode 91: Are You An Apple or PC??
Friday Jul 26, 2019
Friday Jul 26, 2019
Another week, another WNY staple for Vinnie to try. This time it was a delicious double cheeseburger from Reid's. We're trying to put together a list WNY things that we can make him try. Bud Lite decided to not sponsor the Area 51 raid, but will give free beer to any aliens who come out of there. I wonder where they'll get the beer? Elon Musk wants to interface brains and computers, and Craig has decided that he really didn't fling anyone that bird. He was just hacked. Looking for a new couch for the mancave? How about some free ones from a strip club? Four Loko has some special, new cans that will make you look at your refreshments in new, amazing ways. NSFW.
Cast: Craig, Walden, Rich, Vinnie
Running time: 87 minutes
Logo designed by Amanda Hodge

Wednesday Jul 24, 2019
The Dads Must Be Crazy Ep. 10: The Neverending Story
Wednesday Jul 24, 2019
Wednesday Jul 24, 2019
We were supposed to talk about more pop culture and how our perception of it has changed since we became parents. Instead, we spend a good deal of time talking about raising kids in particular religions. Howie has an interesting situation between his religion and his wife's, and how it affects his children. Our kids, who used to listen to the same music as we do, have started to branch into their own musical tastes. They don't always jibe with ours.
Cast: Craig, Bobby, Howie
Running Time: 58 minutes
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Thanks to Scott Leffler for the intro.
Intro and outro music provided by incompetech.com Our theme music is “Retro Future Clean” by Kevin MacLeod. Licensed under Creative Commons: by Attribution 3.0 license

Friday Jul 19, 2019
Shenanigans Episode 90: Use Bigger Words, Little Man
Friday Jul 19, 2019
Friday Jul 19, 2019
The foursome is back this week, and boy, do we initiate Vinnie into some serious Western New York coming of age traditions. That's right, he finally had his first Genny Cream Ale. It's an interesting taste test for sure. Walden joins in on the fun. Now, they're ready to storm Area 51. Vinnie tells us that DQ is a Texas staple and Walden is impressed with the Slurpee Baby. Meanwhile, there are some angry meth gators and angrier little men buying bagels. NSFW.
This week's Website of the Week is very close to us as it deals with a school friend of Craig and Rich. The link to the GoFundMe page for Curt Bobzien. Please take some time, make a donation. Send him well wishes. Curt's Courageous Cause
Cast: Craig, Rich, Walden, Vinnie
Running Time: 77 minutes
Logos designed by Amanda Hodge

Wednesday Jul 17, 2019
The Dads Must Be Crazy Ep. 9: Pop Culture Father Figures
Wednesday Jul 17, 2019
Wednesday Jul 17, 2019
We start off this week by making a little fun of Craig with his new blood pressure medications. But it's fair play when Howie, who is the youngest, tells us he's been on them for several years. Then we move into the meat of the episode. Who are some of the fathers from television shows from our youth and from today who made great father figures? Who had messages to help their children become better people? We revisit some of our favorite shows from our youth as we ponder the subject.
Cast: Craig, Bobby, Howie
Running Time: 55 Minutes
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Thanks to Scott Leffler for the intro.
Intro and outro music provided by incompetech.com Our theme music is “Retro Future Clean” by Kevin MacLeod. Licensed under Creative Commons: by Attribution 3.0 license

Friday Jul 12, 2019
Shenanigans Episode 89: We Want Terry Crews For King Triton
Friday Jul 12, 2019
Friday Jul 12, 2019
We are down to a trio this week as Vinnie bailed in favor of family -- a valid excuse. And Howie...well... Anyway, this week we talk about the filming of A Quiet Place 2 in our backyard and Craig's issues with Ticketmaster. After Donald Trump's gaffe about airports, we brought back a bit from over two years ago when George and Craig talked about "One By Air." We talk about idiots licking ice cream at Walmart and all their moronic copycats. Speaking of Walmart, there could be a whole new line of special toys coming your way. Walden had a hand dryer dilemma. NSFW
Cast: Craig, Rich, Walden
Running Time: 86 Minutes
Logos Designed by Amanda Hodge

Wednesday Jul 10, 2019
The Dads Must Be Crazy Ep 8: Happy Birthday It's A Party
Wednesday Jul 10, 2019
Wednesday Jul 10, 2019
Happy birthday, Howie. Yes, it's his birthday and he's still not 40 yet. We talk about birthday parties when we were kids, and whether we really ever had any. Then we talk about what we do for our kids on their birthdays. These parties have changed quite a bit over the years. The debate over whether to give the guests gifts or not comes up.
Cast: Craig, Bobby, Howie
Running Time: 53 minutes
Sponsored by:
Thanks to Scott Leffler for the intro.
Intro and outro music provided by incompetech.com Our theme music is “Retro Future Clean” by Kevin MacLeod. Licensed under Creative Commons: by Attribution 3.0 license