
Wednesday Jul 01, 2020
The Dads Must Be Crazy Ep. 47: Kids Say the Darndest Things
Wednesday Jul 01, 2020
Wednesday Jul 01, 2020
The Dads Must Be Crazy podcast is full of parenting today and one of the kids makes an appearance three times to voice her displeasure. They are hilarious dad moments, and they really make the show this week. We also talk a bit about our Father's Day celebrations, kids learning to drive and what happens when our wives are not able to do their normal superhero efforts. Will the dads survive taking the bucking reigns of parenthood all by themselves? It could be mayhem without the calming influence of mom.
Cast: Craig, Howie, Bobby
Running Time: 35 minutes
Logos designed by Amanda Hodge
Thanks to Scott Leffler for the intro.
Intro and outro music provided by incompetech.com Our theme music is “Retro Future Clean” by Kevin MacLeod. Licensed under Creative Commons: by Attribution 3.0 license

Friday Jun 26, 2020
Shenanigans Episode 137: Vegan Deordorant? I'm Not Eating It
Friday Jun 26, 2020
Friday Jun 26, 2020
In this week's Shenanigans podcast, Tik Tok has taken over the world. Please stand by for technical difficulties. It was just Father's Day. Did you get dad a sidewalk lap dance? Soap operas are going to start using sex dolls to make the acting more believable. There's a new Grateful Dead themed deodorant. Drunk monkeys? What ancient Chinese secrets are there to relive constipation? As always, we are very NSFW.
Cast: Craig, Rich, Walden, Mat
Running Time: 63 minutes
Logos designed by Amanda Hodge

Friday Jun 19, 2020
Shenanigans Episode 136: I Learned It From Watching You
Friday Jun 19, 2020
Friday Jun 19, 2020
In this week's Shenanigans podcast, the talk about our first jobs and how awful they were. Plus we get to CGI sex scenes in Hollywood and the Crispen Glover paradox. GWAR statues in the South? And then animals. Lots of animals. Beavers in parachutes and squirrel saloons. What makes a real Buffalo chicken wing? As always we are very NSFW.
Cast: Craig, Rich, Walden, Mat
Running Time: 66 minutes
Logos designed by Amanda Hodge

Thursday Jun 18, 2020
The Dads Must Be Crazy Ep. 46: Sibling Rivalry
Thursday Jun 18, 2020
Thursday Jun 18, 2020
While the podcast continues to physically distance, we were still able to get together through the magic of the interwebs to talk about the very thing that we love and hate -- siblings. Yes, we all have siblings, and we're all the oldest of our siblings. Howie has a younger brother. Bobby has a younger sister. Craig has a younger sister and brother. The sibling rivalry is still strong as adults. How about among their children? Do they see factions and alliances?
Cast: Craig, Howie, Bobby
Running Time: 37 minutes
Logos designed by Amanda Hodge
Thanks to Scott Leffler for the intro.
Intro and outro music provided by incompetech.com Our theme music is “Retro Future Clean” by Kevin MacLeod. Licensed under Creative Commons: by Attribution 3.0 license

Friday Jun 12, 2020
Shenanigans Episode 135: Looney Tunes & 5G Adult Toys
Friday Jun 12, 2020
Friday Jun 12, 2020
The podcast is still physically distancing, but that is more due to someone's lactose intolerance than anything else at this point. Home schooling is finally over. Finally. There is a lot of talk about sports at the start of this show, especially Buffalo sports. The pandemic has seen a dramatic rise in the sales of adult toys. Looney Tunes are making a half-hearted comeback, and what's the mystery behind 5G? As always we are very much NSFW.
Cast: Craig, Rich, Walden, Mat
Running Time: 47 minutes
Logos designed by Amanda Hodge

Wednesday Jun 10, 2020
The Dads Must Be Crazy Ep. 45: Ain't No Cure for the Summertime Blues
Wednesday Jun 10, 2020
Wednesday Jun 10, 2020
The Dads Must Be Crazy are crazy from the heat. It's the end of the school year which means the kids will be at home all the time. What a strange feeling that will be. What are we going to do about summer time activities with everything already cancelled for the year? It will an interesting balace of hanging at home with more family time and getting away where and when we can. Who's up for some sports? Will we get sports?
Cast: Craig, Howie, Bobby
Running Time: 38 Minutes
Logos designed by Amanda Hodge
Thanks to Scott Leffler for the intro.
Intro and outro music provided by incompetech.com Our theme music is “Retro Future Clean” by Kevin MacLeod. Licensed under Creative Commons: by Attribution 3.0 license

Friday Jun 05, 2020
Shenanigans Episode 134: Hell Yeah, It was Worth It
Friday Jun 05, 2020
Friday Jun 05, 2020
The Shenanigans podcast is still safely distancing themselves, mostly because one or more of the members can totally clear a room. We talk about the big space launch and even more Covid-19 cures. We also talk about the Cannonball Run ties to Lockport, and new drug tests that could spell disaster. Does 12pm actually exist? As always, we are very NSFW.
Cast: Craig, Rich, Walden, Mat
Running Time: 60 Minutes
Logos designed by Amanda Hodge

Thursday Jun 04, 2020
The Dads Must Be Crazy Ep. 44: Haircuts and Summertime
Thursday Jun 04, 2020
Thursday Jun 04, 2020
The Dads Must Be Crazy podcast continues to remotely put the shows together, but it's getting harder as the great weather has arrived. We all want to get out and stretch our legs. Thankfully haircuts are forthcoming. In the meantime, Howie and Bobby have been working the home gyms. Craig is definitely lagging. Now that summer is here, there are more chores around the house that have to be done. Do the kids have chores they need to do?
Cast: Craig, Howie, Bobby
Running time: 34 minutes
Logos designed by Amanda Hodge
Thanks to Scott Leffler for the intro.
Intro and outro music provided by incompetech.com Our theme music is “Retro Future Clean” by Kevin MacLeod. Licensed under Creative Commons: by Attribution 3.0 license

Friday May 29, 2020
Shenanigans Episode 133: How Did You Blister Your Hands?
Friday May 29, 2020
Friday May 29, 2020
The Shenanigans podcast is still bringing it during the pandemic. Speaking of the pandemic, a mayor broke his own curfew law and tried to evade arrest by hiding in a coffin. Hitler's alligator died. Bryce and Craig talk about golfing. Where's Jimmy Hoffa? Is he hanging with Elvis? Did anyone else have to look up porn for homework? PETA is virtually absurd, and South Korean soccer fans are simply dolls. As always, we are very NSFW.
Cast: Craig, Rich, Walden, Mat, Bryce
Running Time: 39 minutes
Logos designed by Amanda Hodge

Wednesday May 27, 2020
The Dads Must Be Crazy Ep. 43: Planning for the Future
Wednesday May 27, 2020
Wednesday May 27, 2020
The Dads are down to a duo as Bobby is off with the family for the holiday weekend. Howie and Craig talk about gardening -- Craig about vegetable gardening, and Howie about flower gardening. We talk about hand me downs and the pure overflow of clothes that we're going through right now as we move into the summer months. Howie has been working out to feel better, and Craig needs to get on that bandwagon. We both have new plans for the new month. Stay tuned.
Cast: Craig, Howie
Running Time: 36 minutes
Logos designed by Amanda Hodge
Thanks to Scott Leffler for the intro.
Intro and outro music provided by incompetech.com Our theme music is “Retro Future Clean” by Kevin MacLeod. Licensed under Creative Commons: by Attribution 3.0 license