
Wednesday Aug 05, 2020
The Dads Must Be Crazy Ep. 52: Reimagining Schools Reopening
Wednesday Aug 05, 2020
Wednesday Aug 05, 2020
The Dads Must Be Crazy podcast is back to an in-person trio this week for the first time since March 15th. This week, we continue with a little about the issues facing the sporting world, especially the NCAA. We also talk about the plans being made for the return of students to school in the fall. Contingency plans will not only have to be made for the schools, but for the home, also.
Cast: Craig, Howie, Bobby
Running Time: 37 minutes
Logos designed by Amanda Hodge
Thanks to Scott Leffler for the intro.
Intro and outro music provided by incompetech.com Our theme music is “Retro Future Clean” by Kevin MacLeod. Licensed under Creative Commons: by Attribution 3.0 license

Friday Jul 31, 2020
Shenanigans Episode 142: The Shenanigans Cam Show
Friday Jul 31, 2020
Friday Jul 31, 2020
We start off this week's podcast with more political talk than normal. Because wings ARE meals. Sorry, Governors. We also talk about Astronaut cows and first flight and cam girls. That was a new one for one of the group. Google Rewards rears its ugly head during the show, and we talk about overzealous people on both sides the pandemic response. As always, we are NSFW.
Cast: Craig, Rich, Walden, Mat
Running Time: 68 minutes
Logos designed by Amanda Hodge

Thursday Jul 30, 2020
The Dads Must Be Crazy Ep. 51: The Sports Talk Episode
Thursday Jul 30, 2020
Thursday Jul 30, 2020
It's only Craig and Howie for this week's episode as Bobby was otherwise engaged. On the fly, we had to choose a topic that wasn't the normally scheduled one. What did we choose? Sports. Sports are starting around the country this week, but for how long? We talk about the Buffalo Blue Jays and the brand new Seattle Kraken. When we actually get back to a normal sports season, it's going to be amazing.
Cast: Craig, Howie
Running Time: 38 minutes
Logos designed by Amanda Hodge
Thanks to Scott Leffler for the intro.
Intro and outro music provided by incompetech.com Our theme music is “Retro Future Clean” by Kevin MacLeod. Licensed under Creative Commons: by Attribution 3.0 license

Friday Jul 24, 2020
Shenanigans Episode 141: The Art of Being Frank & Ernest
Friday Jul 24, 2020
Friday Jul 24, 2020
This week's episode is dedicated to the memory of our friend, Curt Bobzien. There will be a link to our website of the week at the bottom of the summary. In this week's podcast, we talk about the Buffalo Blue Jays, and the renaming of the stadium for the Buffalo Bills. Patriots Suck Stadium and THE New York Stadium are leading the way. Who can we send to Rays games in Tampa, and who can eat the most hot dogs? As always, we are NSFW.
Special Website of the Week: https://www.gofundme.com/f/curts-courageous-cause
Cast: Craig, Rich, Walden, Vinnie, Mat
Logos designed by Amanda Hodge

Wednesday Jul 22, 2020
The Dads Must Be Crazy Ep. 50: The Line Between Funny & Not
Wednesday Jul 22, 2020
Wednesday Jul 22, 2020
We made it to episode 50 on the podcast, not even realiing it until it was time to post it. This week, we are back to a more serious topic. When does a joke cross the line from being funny to being malicious and out of line? How do we teach our children to recognize when they're going too far? This is a tough call, as evidenced by the troubles we had discussing it.
Cast: Craig, Bobby, Howie
Running Time: 44 Minutes
Logos designed by Amanda Hodge
Thanks to Scott Leffler for the intro.
Intro and outro music provided by incompetech.com Our theme music is “Retro Future Clean” by Kevin MacLeod. Licensed under Creative Commons: by Attribution 3.0 license

Saturday Jul 18, 2020
Shenanigans Episode 140: Off the Rails in a Loose Sidecar
Saturday Jul 18, 2020
Saturday Jul 18, 2020
Technical issues forced the delay of the latest Shenanigans podcast release by a day. This week, we talk about test driving new cars and hot tubs. Bruce Smith makes a memorable appearance on the Family Feud. New Scrabble rules could seriously hinder some players, and do you want to play Animal Crossing ~wink-wink~? As always, we are very NSFW.
Cast: Craig, Rich, Walden, Mat, Lucy
Running Time: 75 Minutes
Logos designed by Amanda Hodge

Wednesday Jul 15, 2020
The Dads Must Be Crazy Ep. 49: All About Budgeting
Wednesday Jul 15, 2020
Wednesday Jul 15, 2020
The Dads Must Be Crazy podcast is down to a duo as Howie was off for a family function. In his absence, Craig and Bobby talk about budgeting -- both time and money. We try to explain to our kids about spending and saving, and how much money actually is. Craig's twins are learning about the costs to care and upkeep a car, including insurance.
Cast: Craig, Bobby
Running Time: 35 Minutes
Logos designed by Amanda Hodge
Thanks to Scott Leffler for the intro.
Intro and outro music provided by incompetech.com Our theme music is “Retro Future Clean” by Kevin MacLeod. Licensed under Creative Commons: by Attribution 3.0 license

Friday Jul 10, 2020
Shenanigans Episode 139: Chicken & Waffles & Truck Meat
Friday Jul 10, 2020
Friday Jul 10, 2020
We are down to a trio in this week's podcast, but not the normal trio. We have a newbie throwing her two cents out there. Who knew that chicken and waffles were considered a mutual delicacy? We talk about birthday requests and celebrations, the Facts of Life, and mystery truck meat. Walmart wants to hone in on the drive-in theater business, and what's the deal with the Pandemic Bra? As always, we are NSFW
Cast: Craig, Rich, Lucy
Running Time: 85 minutes
Logos designed by Amanda Hodge

Wednesday Jul 08, 2020
The Dads Must Be Crazy Ep. 48: Unsolicited Parenting Tip
Wednesday Jul 08, 2020
Wednesday Jul 08, 2020
The Dads Must Be Crazy podcast is still remotely recording due to the pandemic. This week's episode is a bit more serious than some of our previous episodes. Craig broaches the subject of people interfering with your parenting style or offering advice that runs counter to your ideals. There is definitely a difference between asking for advice and getting an earful from people who think they know better. While they may have best interests at heart, too often they make matters worse.
Cast: Craig, Howie, Bobby
Running Time: 35 minutes
Logos designed by Amanda Hodge
Thanks to Scott Leffler for the intro.
Intro and outro music provided by incompetech.com Our theme music is “Retro Future Clean” by Kevin MacLeod. Licensed under Creative Commons: by Attribution 3.0 license

Friday Jul 03, 2020
Shenanigans Episode 138: Delicious Breakfast Meat
Friday Jul 03, 2020
Friday Jul 03, 2020
The Shenanigans Podcast is back in person this week for the first time in several months! And we are all over the place. From Dodge Juggle to microwaving library books and Grandma's weather stick. Is there such a thing as too much beer? And ventriloquists are loving the Covid-19 Mask Craze. Still trying to figure out what you want to do with your life? You could become a ninja. Or a pirate. That's spending your parents' money wisely. As always, we are NSFW.
Cast: Craig, Rich. Walden, Mat
Running Time: 80 Minutes
Logos designed by Amanda Hodge