
Friday Dec 31, 2021
Shenanigans Episode 213: The Best of Shenanigans Vol. 11
Friday Dec 31, 2021
Friday Dec 31, 2021
It's the last week of the year and Shenanigans is on hiatus. But that doesn't mean you won't get to hear us. In the final episode of the year, we bring you a best of, dating back to 2018. From lawnmowers to baby carriers, we're on a mission to make salespeople uncomfortable. There is yet another special cake that couldn't be made the way a mom wanted it. Howie is lucky he didn't get dysentery. Did brains in butts lead to an accidental eggplant overdose? Allyn somehow found a way to weasel into this episode. For the count, he says. As always, we are #NSFW.
Cast: Craig, Rich, Walden, Howie, Yoko, Allyn
Running Time: 50 minutes
Logo designed by Amanda Hodge

Sunday Dec 26, 2021
Shenanigans Episode 212: I See Dumb People All Day Long
Sunday Dec 26, 2021
Sunday Dec 26, 2021
Normally the Shenanigans podcast takes a hiatus around Christmas, but we bring a special episode with half the normal cast and some guests. We start out with the Great Sports Debate, and it's all the new guys dominating the conversation. The MJ vs LeBron argument rears its ugly head, and Craig says Bill Russell. They were not really aware of Russell's accomplishments, further exacerbated when we found out they didn't know Motley Crue, either. We discuss our favorite Christmas movies, our favorite gifts, and some of the traditions we have in our respective families. Despite the holiday spirit, we are still #NSFW.
Cast: Craig, Allyn, Mat, Larry, Curly, Moe
Running Time: 75 Minutes
Logos designed by Amanda Hodge

Saturday Dec 18, 2021
Shenanigans Episode 211: Is That How Big They‘re Supposed to Be?
Saturday Dec 18, 2021
Saturday Dec 18, 2021
This week's Shenanigans podcast is the last brand new episode of 2021, with a pair of "Best Ofs" to finish out the year. This week we talk about the Great Wind Storm of 2021. Dildo Brewing makes a comeback, and Shenanigans has decided to be the new head of Dildo tourism. You'll have to listen to for our award-winning slogan. Allyn is going to start the new year as a stuntman, and Rich has yet another excuse to call in to his home office. Allyn tries new words this week. None are as cool as biogas, though. As always, we are #NSFW.
Cast: Craig, Rich, Walden, Allyn
Running Time: 101 minutes
Logos designed by Amanda Hodge

Saturday Dec 11, 2021
Shenanigans Episode 210: No Wonder You Fall Over All the Time
Saturday Dec 11, 2021
Saturday Dec 11, 2021
This week's Shenanigans podcast is a bit shorter than some of our shows lately, but it's only because some of us wanted to watch the Monday Night Bills game. Still not sure why they wanted to watch that. There is a lot of talk about Alec Baldwin and Family Feud. We had a HUGE edit in the middle, but I left the aftermath. It's up to you to figure out what we cut. Like this week's mission. Mat is time traveler. WWII artillery shells are a cure for constipation? And who knew the police could use their car cams for OnlyFans? As always, we are #NSFW.
Cast: Craig, Rich, Walden, Allyn, Mat
Running Time: 68 Minutes
Logos designed by Amanda Hodge

Saturday Dec 04, 2021
Shenanigans Episode 209: You Were Just Pretending to Be Dumb?
Saturday Dec 04, 2021
Saturday Dec 04, 2021
We're back live for this week's Shenanigans podcast. We talk about the Covid blues and how that affected us. It's Kid Rock vs Weird Al for Country Music Video of the Year! And we talk movies. Lord of the Rings gets some in depth time, and Jonah Hill is going to be the face of the new Grateful Dead movie? It's a show of gun play and iPod games, and Allyn is celebrating eight crazy nights. Professional pillow fighting is preparing to make its debut. As always, we are #NSFW.
Cast: Craig, Rich, Walden, Allyn, Mat
Running Time: 98 Minutes
Logos designed by Amanda Hodge

Saturday Nov 27, 2021
Shenanigans Episode 208: The Best of Shenanigans Vol. 10
Saturday Nov 27, 2021
Saturday Nov 27, 2021
The Shenanigans podcast had to resort to a "Best Of" this week as one of the cast members tested positive and one the spouses of another also tested positive. We do a deep dive back into the spring of 2018, where Rich is a bad influence and Santa has a strange fetish. Have you ever broken your crankshaft? It's all about crumpled money, old condoms and magic diapers. Rich has made special cupcakes and never accept pennies from Walden. Enjoy the blast from the past. As always, we are #NSFW.
Cast: Craig, Rich, Walden
Running time: 54 Minutes
Logos designed by Amanda Hodge

Saturday Nov 20, 2021
Shenanigans Episode 207: My Safe Word Is Apricot
Saturday Nov 20, 2021
Saturday Nov 20, 2021
This week's Shenanigans podcast starts out with Walden getting trapped in Allyn's massage chair, which leads right into a fresh meat conversation. After talking a little about the Bills game and other NFL action, we talk about the new Buffalo Monopoly game. Do kids still cruise like we used to? It sure doesn't seem like it. We also talk about aliens and Ted Lasso, and there's yet another reason to hate Pete Davidson. As always, we are #NSFW.
Cast: Craig, Rich, Walden, Allyn, Mat
Running time: 80 minutes
Logos designed by Amanda Hodge

Saturday Nov 13, 2021
Shenanigans Episode 206: They Don‘t Taste Ribbed
Saturday Nov 13, 2021
Saturday Nov 13, 2021
In this week's Shenanigan podcast we talk a lot about Josh Allen's career day last Sunday. Allyn enlightens us with more home remedies, but he really needs better medical advice. Why do old men fart whenever they move, and do the Royal in Britain actually enjoy it? We talk about some really old SNL skits and an overreacting millennial pizza fan. Darwinism rears its head with the endless, accidental selfie deaths. As always, we are #NSFW
Cast: Craig, Rich, Walden, Allyn, Mat
Running Time: 118 Minutes
Logos designed by Amanda Hodge

Saturday Nov 06, 2021
Shenanigans Episode 205: There‘s No Sense in Both of Us Being Scared
Saturday Nov 06, 2021
Saturday Nov 06, 2021
In this week's Shenanigans podcast, we celebrate a very important birthday, and because of that, we have a very special guest for the first half of the show. We get a lot of childhood stories and how much trouble Allyn could get out of. It was just Halloween. It seems like there are less kids making the trek around neighborhoods, but it doesn't matter if Walden won't answer the door anyway. Fisher Price phones are making a return and Allyn is all set for his super special parade. As always, we are #NSFW.
Cast: Craig, Rich, Walden, Allyn, Mom
Running Time: 119 Minutes
Logos designed by Amanda Hodge

Saturday Oct 30, 2021
Shenanigans Episode 204: How‘d They Frost Them Then?
Saturday Oct 30, 2021
Saturday Oct 30, 2021
This week's Shenanigans podcast talks about all the beers that Rich brought back for a weekend vacation that he took. And we want to do a live, on the road Shenanigans episode while touring local breweries and distilleries. We learn more about how bad Apple is, and these scorpions in the mail will not rock you like a hurricane. Are you ready for Halloween? Got your costumes ready? If you're willing to relocate, there may be some free grandparents in it for you. And how big is your nose? As always, we are #NSFW.
Cast: Craig, Rich, Walden, Allyn
Running time: 115 minutes
Logos designed by Amanda Hodge