
Saturday Aug 06, 2022
Shenanigans Episode 243: Apparently He Was Just Catting
Saturday Aug 06, 2022
Saturday Aug 06, 2022
In this week's Shenanigans podcast, we bring up the Newfane cattle rustle, although it is now old news despite what some joker of an actor has to say. We talk a little about Cleveland and the Drew Carey Show. Allyn is providing free medical advice, although we're pretty sure you shouldn't follow it...especially if you're allergic to apple cider vinegar. Speaking of Allyn, he's suddenly interested in upside down pineapples. The travesty of the week is the news about Chaco Tacos. Just terrible. And Allyn tells us how panhandlers get ya. As always, we are #NSFW.
Cast: Craig, Rich, Walden, Allyn
Running Time: 96 minutes
Logos designed by Amanda Hodge

Saturday Jul 30, 2022
Shenanigans Episode 242: Now You’re Not Going to Feel So Stupid
Saturday Jul 30, 2022
Saturday Jul 30, 2022
This week's Shenanigans podcast is back to normal with the return of Rich, Walden, and Allyn. Are any sequels better than the originals? Who's podcast is it? Of course, we have to get all the details from Allyn's vacation. He sure does like to travel. The rest of us only travel to the fridge. It's the season of graduation parties. We go totally tasteless on Sonny Bono and it only gets worse from there. Sometimes we are awful. As always, we are #NSFW.
Cast: Craig, Rich, Walden, Allyn, Mat
Running Time: 89 Minutes
Logos designed by Amanda Hodge

Saturday Jul 23, 2022
Shenanigans Episode 241: The History Episode
Saturday Jul 23, 2022
Saturday Jul 23, 2022
This week's Shenanigans podcast is down to a duo as three of the regulars could not make it. So, you're left with Craig and Mat who end up just riffing for an hour about things. Is it a kidney stone or isn't it? Have you ever tried to insure a child who doesn't live with you? It isn't all roses, for sure. And buying new cars? Holy cow, who can afford one these days? Some of these cars are crazy, or we're just spoiled. And then we get to history. Local Medina history to be more specific. Mat and Craig just talk about things they remembered growing up. While we are less so, our show is still probably #NSFW.
Cast: Craig, Mat
Running time: 58 minutes
Logos designed by Amanda Hodge

Saturday Jul 16, 2022
Shenanigans Episode 240: Like the One That Sticks Out
Saturday Jul 16, 2022
Saturday Jul 16, 2022
After taking a well deserved break for Independence Day celebrations, the Shenanigans podcast is back this week with an all new show. Of course we talk about our respective holiday celebrations. We bring up the subject of finding adult movies as kids for the first time, with Rich having possibly the funniest story. It's summer time so it's time for garage sales. We all seem to like them. Who remembers cheater boxes for cable? And Rich and Craig celebrated their class reunion. Luckily there was no toilet water for refreshments. As always, we are #NSFW.
Cast: Craig, Rich, Walden, Allyn
Running Time: 79 Minutes
Logos designed by Amanda Hodge

Saturday Jul 02, 2022
Shenanigans Episode 239: That Beaver Has Its Winter Coat On
Saturday Jul 02, 2022
Saturday Jul 02, 2022
This week's Shenanigans podcast is down to a trio as Allyn was creeper van camping and Walden got Podcast Toe and was put on IR for a week or so. This past week was graduation and prom for the kids. We ended up talking about the college experiences we had, including roommates and what we originally wanted to do. There are certain places where certain positions are outlawed for fear of being cancer causing. We bark at that nonsense. Instead, we'll stick to some old school sexting. And Canada has some weird new content laws. As always, we are #NSFW.
Cast: Craig, Rich, Mat
Running time: 90 minutes
Logos designed by Amanda Hodge

Saturday Jun 25, 2022
Shenanigans Episode 238: There’s No Cross Con-Tammy-Nation
Saturday Jun 25, 2022
Saturday Jun 25, 2022
In this week's Shenanigans podcast, we talk a bit about our Father's Days which ends up with a discussion about the finer points of refrigerator repair. A couple of us needed to get new glasses, and we talked about the insane retail costs for frames and diamonds. We all hate Ticketmaster. How they have not been deemed a monopoly by the government is dumbfounding. We need a grassroots organization to help topple the giant. There may be new stickers on the creeper van, but it's still a creeper van. As always, we are #NSFW.
Cast: Craig, Rich, Walden, Allyn
Running time: 95 minutes
Logos designed by Amanda Hodge

Saturday Jun 18, 2022
Shenanigans Episode 237: The Sacred Cow P**p Distribution System
Saturday Jun 18, 2022
Saturday Jun 18, 2022
This week's Shenanigans podcast was eagerly awaiting a phone call this week that never happened. We were all surprised it was even a possibility. Someone didn't do their homework. Summer is here so golf is on everyone's mind. We should have a Shenanigans golf tournament with Rich acting a Beer Cart Girl. It was Senior Prank Day as we recorded and some people were losing their minds. Have you ever caught anything interesting while fishing? Speaking of fishing, how do you fish ---- bare hands or dynamite? As always, we are #NSFW.
Cast: Craig, Rich, Walden, Allyn, Vinnie
Running Time: 79 Minutes
Logos designed by Amanda Hodge

Saturday Jun 11, 2022
Shenanigans Episode 236: You Don’t Need Seven D**dos to Kill a Deer
Saturday Jun 11, 2022
Saturday Jun 11, 2022
In this week's Shenanigans podcast, we have some fun recounting the new show, "Shoresy." We also talk a little about fights and playing chicken with jarts. There's a special law in Texas that doesn't seem to make much sense, and we wonder why. Our kids are trying to introduce us to music that we've known about forever. With Lucy in studio, we get a lot more talk about lady things than normal, including the risks of going to the club. Moana has a new superfan in the house even with Howie gone. As always, we are #NSFW.
Cast: Craig, Rich, Walden, Allyn, Mat, Lucy
Running Time: 103 minutes
Logos designed by Amanda Hodge

Saturday Jun 04, 2022
Shenanigans Episode 235: I’m Larry, You Ass!
Saturday Jun 04, 2022
Saturday Jun 04, 2022
This week's Shenanigans podcast gives you a little peak behind the curtain with a little timey-whimey tomfoolery. Lawnmowing sounds are driving someone crazy. It's probably because he's going deaf and those sounds make it that much harder to hear. All that brings up the subject of landscaper porn. Who knew there was such a thing? It's not just the pizza delivery guy anymore. Then we get a surprise visit from Larry and Curly, who end up talking way too much about sports. We play some Gen-X Bingo, and who knew there were lurid parties in our hometown back in the 60s? As always, we are #NSFW.
Cast: Craig, Rich, Allyn, Mat, Larry, Curly
Running Time: 85 minutes
Logos designed by Amanda Hodge

Saturday May 28, 2022
Shenanigans Episode 234: Blood & Grilled Cheese Everywhere
Saturday May 28, 2022
Saturday May 28, 2022
This week's Shenanigans podcast starts off with the benefits of breastfeeding and how you can't just turn those taps on and off at will...despite was certain people were saying. Allyn may have had a stroke mid-show, but he gets back on track with a spot on impression of Walden. Do you remember when Phish opened for Guns N Roses? Do you know someone going bald? Be careful what you say to them. We wrap up with the brilliance of teaching kids about the mercy flush. As always, we are #NSFW
Cast: Craig, Rich, Walden, Allyn, Mat
Running Time: 89 minutes
Logos designed by Amanda Hodge